The Moral Vision of Atticus Finch
In To Kill a Mockingbird what does Atticus Finch’s relationship with the minor but important character Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose suggest about the quality of his moral vision?
In To Kill a Mockingbird what does Atticus Finch’s relationship with the minor but important character Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose suggest about the quality of his moral vision?
Why did the United States believe it had a responsibility to engage the Soviet Union in a cold war, and why was that war a global conflict?
What challenges, both rhetorical and diplomatic, did Secretary of State George Marshall face when, on June 5, 1947, he delivered his speech, calling for a massive aid program to restore the economies of Europe that had been ravaged by World War II?
How did the debate over commercial radio reflect American attitudes toward technological change in the 1920s?
How did the instant celebrity of Charles Lindbergh after his 1927 transatlantic flight reflect Americans’ values in the Twenties?
How did the airplane — with its marvel and mystery — symbolize modernism in the Twenties?
How can we read “To Build a Fire” as a cautionary tale about the exploitation of nature?