The National Humanities Center presents America in Class®: primary and secondary resources, webinars, and lessons for history and literature teachers.
America in Class® is designed to promote the analytical skills called for in the Common Core State Standards for English language arts and literacy in history and social studies:
- identifying and evaluating textual evidence,
- determining central ideas,
- understanding the meanings of words,
- comprehending the structure of a text,
- recognizing an author’s point of view, and
- interpreting content presented in diverse media, including visual images.
Live, interactive professional development webinars for history and literature teachers, conducted by leading scholars.
Key questions, essential understandings, and primary sources with context, background, and discussion excerpts for classroom teaching.
Primary Sources
Collections of historical documents, literary texts, and works of art thematically organized with notes and discussion questions, annotated and excerpted for classroom use.
Secondary Sources: TeacherServe®
Collections of essays on topics in American history and literature written by leading scholars with content overview, guidance for classroom discussion, bibliographies, and more.