“The Chinese Question from a Chinese Standpoint,” 1873
How did the Chinese in California confront anti-Chinese discrimination in the late 1800s?
How did the Chinese in California confront anti-Chinese discrimination in the late 1800s?
How does women’s role in the campaign against alcohol consumption in antebellum America reflect the strengths and limitations of the cult of domesticity?
How did the cult of domesticity oppress and empower women in the nineteenth century?
How did African Americans enslaved in the Confederacy undermine the Southern cause during the Civil War?
How did slavery shape the family life of the enslaved in the American South?
As the Underground Railroad helped guide fugitive slaves to freedom, what dangers and challenges confronted the fugitives and supportive agents?
How did proponents of slavery in antebellum America defend it as a positive good?
What arguments and rhetorical strategies did Frederick Douglass use to persuade a northern, white audience to oppose slavery and favor abolition?
What criticisms of representative democracy does Thoreau raise in “Civil Disobedience”?
In “The Birthmark” how does Nathaniel Hawthorne use symbolism to reveal the motivation of Aylmer, the story’s protagonist?
In his essay “Self-Reliance,” how does Ralph Waldo Emerson define individualism, and how, in his view, can it affect society?
How did American Christians in the nineteenth century come to see slavery as something that needed to be abolished?
How did the character of American politics change between the 1820s and the 1850s as a result of growing popular participation?
Why did President Thomas Jefferson negotiate the Louisiana Purchase?
How did Thomas Jefferson use his first inaugural address to bridge the political divide generated by his election and redirect presidential policy?